Zoom in/out on Steam Deck

288 votes

- On Steam Deck, it would be nice to have 2-3 zoom in/out options when roaming around and during building. Currently when playing on Steam Deck, it’s very zoomed in. Which I really do like, but I also wish there was an option to zoom out just a little every once in awhile when desired to zoom in/out.
- The zoomed in feature is great when wanting to decorate in particular
ways, but a zoomed out option would be great when wanting to decorate in a general aspect
- Again, it would be nice to have 2-3 zoom in/out options instead of just a generic one option of either zooming in once or zooming out. So like a x1, x2, x 3 zoom in/out

Sorry for the over explain ha
Thank you for your time!

Planned Suggested by: Andrew Upvoted: 20 Feb Comments: 1

Comments: 1