Auto-Organize Combines Stacks in Inventory

85 votes

When auto-organizing your inventory, the function should also combine stacks of items if there is space to do so. For example, if you have two stacks of 5 strawberries each, current behavior when you use the organize button is to place those two stacks next to each other. Ideal behavior would be to combine them into one stack of 10.

Extra bonus nice would be to sort/fill stacks in reverse order, so that partial stacks are the first thing in the inventory (which is nice for crafting), but I understand that might make this a much more difficult request, depending on your data structure.

For the following inventory (using generic items that stack to 100):

Current organize produces:

Basic suggestion produces:

Advanced suggestion produces:

Done Suggested by: Tree Bucket Upvoted: 19 Jul, '23 Comments: 3

Comments: 3